Thursday, November 10, 2011


Friday. November 4th.   Decided to fish at Rockcliff Spring bridge area again (again).  Was first on the river.  Decided to start with the float fishing first.  I have brought some live minnows but no action whatsoever.  Switched to fly rod.  Kept trying  different flies.  I did not have many egg patterns except some crystal meth which I know don't work in clear water.  Nothing.  Then I've switch to this one called Eggi Juan Kenobi and after a couple of casts got a hit and a hook up.  I could see the fish about 3 feet from me.  I could see it twitch and roll couple of times and then it broke off.  I got so excited.  I guess I'm finally going  in the right direction.  I guess I did not set the hook right, and the fly was kinda small (size 14).  I had to leave shortly after this.  I will get me a whole bunch of these fly patterns in bigger sizes for next week.  Hopefully weather will cooperate.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


The last day of October.  No luck.  I have ventured out to the river in hopes of getting my first Steelhead.  Nothing.  Tried both a float and a fly rod.  Tried the Cedar Point Road area first.  Nothing.  Did not notice any other anglers.  I guess the experienced ones wait a little longer for the Steelhead to reach this area in greater numbers.  Stayed there for  about an hour or so.  Great water condition but no bite.  Decided to go closer to the lake.  Drove to Rockclif Ford.  About 15 anglers at the hole already.  No one getting any bites.  Then this guy walks in and in about 3 minutes after I got there  he hooks a nice buck in 2 or 3 casts.  I don't how he does.  I know that he fishes like everyday so I guess experience and practice translates directly into results.  He was using orange spawn sacs.  He explained to us that they were "special" but would not elaborate.  I've tried the same color store bought spawn sacs to no avail.  I hope I will have a better luck next time.  Till then.