Tuesday, July 10, 2012


So it's done.  The season ended about a couple of months ago.  It was my personal greatest.  No doubt about it.  Comparing to the prior season merely 2 fish during this one I've established myself at least as an average Steelheader with over 70 fish caught and released.  I've learned many, many lessons, all definitely important.  They all brought me to my personal best of 13 hookups and 10 landed in one day on April 29th.  On top of that I've landed 2 beautiful small mouth bass at the same time.  The most important lesson that I have learned is VERSATILITY.  I've mentioned it many time in this blog but I will repeated again and again.  Don't stick to one lure or bait.  Something that has work for you last time may not get anything this time.  River changes all the time so does weather.  They dictate Steelhead's mood and cravings.  So you have adapt and try all kinds of bait and lures.  Don't be shy to try new things.  Even the smallest bait such a maggot can get you a big fish and sometimes the skippers will go for big offerings.
  The Rock currently offers many opportunities such bass, carp, catfish and many other species.  Currently I enjoy the Lake Erie stalking perch, walleyes and anything else that will hit my lures.  But the taught of a nice Steelhead at the end of my line is always with me.  I will await with anticipation the new beginning of the new season in the fall.  Enjoy your summer and write some comments about your experiences from the past season.


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Went out on Friday by myself. Did not expect a lot of people on the river in the morning. To my surprise the river was already crawling with fly fishers but my fishing spot was deserted. I started casting a white marabou jig. After about 5 casts the float went down and I've set the hook. I was expecting a steelhead but to my surprise I've noticed a huge small mouth bass at the end of my line. He gave me a lot of attitude during the landing. Boy was it fun! I've started casting again. The action stopped for an hour and then I've hooked 2 steelies. Landed one (make sure you retie after every hook up as the fish will damage your line and you will have only yourself to blame for the lost fish). After that I did manage to hook up and land another feisty bass. The place was loaded with suckers and some other fish but I did not target them specifically. Noticed that a fellow angler started to hook up some nice steelies on a fly not too far from my spot. I've decided to switch to my fly rod but did not have much time left. It was amazing to see some huge steelhead males fight over the spawning spots. They totally ignored the anglers around them. Not a bad day. Till next time.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Early Spring!!

The weather is amazing.  The rain did ruin quite a few days of fishing.  It looks like the fish are already spawning which will not leave me much longer to chase them.  If the Steelhead are spawning now it means that they will leave the river about a month earlier that normally.  This means that I have very little time left to get out there and fish.  I plan to fish till I drop.   The rain play tricks on the weekend anglers such as myself making the best fishing windows during the week.  I tried to salvage last week by getting out there on Friday.  The flow was very high (in 1100's).  Clarity was non-existent but I've tried anyway.  Tried both float fishing and fly fishing.  Nothing on the float but managed to hook one on a fly but lost it very quickly.  But managed to land a quite sizable white sucker which did manage to pull some drag set for a steelhead.  Overall it was a very nice learning experience.  I've had much better success earlier (end of FEB and beginning of MAR).  I am doing so much better then at the beginning of the season.  Now I manage to land at least one fish and hook a couple.  On one occasion I have hooked and lost 5 steellies, but all broke off.  I did some research on the fishing lines I was using.  With a suggestion from Mike Durkalec of MetroParks I have purchased a Canadian brand called Ande Premium Monofilament line 8lb test and my success rate went through the roof.  It is very durable and most of all scratch resistant.  I've learned that all of my other lines were breaking because of scratches and nicks done by bouncing off the bottom rocks.  I plan on venturing out this weekend with a buddy of mine.  We'll try to get him his first Steelhead.  I plan on getting one over 30 inches long.  We'll see.  Tight lines.

Friday, February 10, 2012


On Wednesday I have decided to take a quick trip to the river.  I wanted to check out the low flow conditions.  I was still a little sore emotionally from uneventful weekend trip (just one hook up, none landed).  Got at the river at 5 PM.  Nobody around.  All quiet.  This time I have switched from 8lb test line to 6lb test line and switched the float to a small 4 gram clear Redwing float.  Started casting with a small white jig.  I've had one hook after about 15 minutes but the fish turned and got free.  Started with a different smaller yellow jig.  No action.  Then tried a white tube jig.  Got a few hits on it but no hook up.  I've started loosing light quickly.  Then decided to switch to a chartreuse 1/16oz jig that I've bought the day before for a dollar for 10 pack (funny).  Got a hit immediately and a beautiful hook up.  The fish was hooked solid.  I have landed a nice 25 inch buck at 5:58 PM.  Released it and started casting again on the other side of the hole.  I've got a hit and a hook up on the second cast. A beautiful female just short of 30 inches.  My first female Steelhead of the season.  I was so excited.  AWESOME DAY my best one so far! Good luck mates.  I knowit has been a

Friday, February 3, 2012


Amazing.  A quick trip to the Rocky last week.  I just had just about an hour so I've decided to take a look at the river and snap a few pictures.  I took a spare short rod with me just to get it wet.  The flow was about 550 cf and water was higher and muddy.   Arrived at the Cedar Point Rd. area and found only one guy fishing.  He seemed to be done with one area and moving to another and asked if I could taker over his spot.  He agreed.  I have only taken a couple of tube jigs with me just to satisfy my urge to get the line wet.  I went with a white tube jig and got a hit with the second cast.  A shy bite took the float slowly under the water and I've decide to set the hook.  I've hooked a nice little skipper about 18 inches and landed it quickly.  The guy that left the spot just a few minutes ago was a little surprised.  He just fished it thoroughly with spawn sacs with no results.   I was very excited because I did not have any expectation of catching anything that day.  Amazing that you spend an entire day fishing with no results and sometimes all it takes is  a couple of casts.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Versatily Again!!

  I know that persistence pays off. I am somewhat stubborn on sticking to one fishing spot for the whole day of fishing due to the fact that I still don't know that many good fishing spots on the Rock, and that I am always afraid that if I decide to move to a different spot it will be already taken by some one else and I will just regret moving from the previous one. So far the most productive spot for me is the Cedar Point road area. It's where I've caught my first Steelhead a year ago and It has been the only productive spot for me this season. I am very limited time wise and  I guess this puts additional pressure on me for making the best out every fishing trip. But every trip to the Rock is an awesome learning experience. I've noticed how every angler brings a different approach to fishing for Steelhead. Most of times it is experience but a lot of times it's just plain luck as I noticed how the fish is located differently almost every time. There are spots where there are always a couple of Steelheads each time but these require more effort to get. Steelheading is not for everyone, especially in the winter, but I cherish every minute of it. Of course I feel a little disappointed each time I come up with nothing, but this only motivates me to be more educated and better prepared next time. I fell in love with fishing about 3 years ago. I own a small fishing boat and I love to fish the Lake Erie during summer and early fall, but when the real fall comes and the boat is winterized my mind throws a steelhead switch and there is no going back until the Oncorhynchus Mykiss fall back to the lake.  This week a have hooked a couple of bucks and managed to land one.  Again versatility.  I have tried everything for a couple of hours and then I've switched to white tube jig and hooked one with the first cast.  Strange feeling as the fish did not hit hard.  I saw the float submerge slowly as it does when you get a snag, but I have set the hook and felt the fish fight.  I managed to land it quite quickly so it would not suffer.  It was not very big but very fat for its length.  It must have been feeding very well.  About half an hour later hooked one again, but lost it due to not holding the rod tip up as I was trying to net it.   It was another male.  I guess they like them white tube jigs.  Lessons learned - hold the rod tip up and that you will get a better hook up if you cast up the stream vs. down the stream.  Tight lines.