Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Versatily Again!!

  I know that persistence pays off. I am somewhat stubborn on sticking to one fishing spot for the whole day of fishing due to the fact that I still don't know that many good fishing spots on the Rock, and that I am always afraid that if I decide to move to a different spot it will be already taken by some one else and I will just regret moving from the previous one. So far the most productive spot for me is the Cedar Point road area. It's where I've caught my first Steelhead a year ago and It has been the only productive spot for me this season. I am very limited time wise and  I guess this puts additional pressure on me for making the best out every fishing trip. But every trip to the Rock is an awesome learning experience. I've noticed how every angler brings a different approach to fishing for Steelhead. Most of times it is experience but a lot of times it's just plain luck as I noticed how the fish is located differently almost every time. There are spots where there are always a couple of Steelheads each time but these require more effort to get. Steelheading is not for everyone, especially in the winter, but I cherish every minute of it. Of course I feel a little disappointed each time I come up with nothing, but this only motivates me to be more educated and better prepared next time. I fell in love with fishing about 3 years ago. I own a small fishing boat and I love to fish the Lake Erie during summer and early fall, but when the real fall comes and the boat is winterized my mind throws a steelhead switch and there is no going back until the Oncorhynchus Mykiss fall back to the lake.  This week a have hooked a couple of bucks and managed to land one.  Again versatility.  I have tried everything for a couple of hours and then I've switched to white tube jig and hooked one with the first cast.  Strange feeling as the fish did not hit hard.  I saw the float submerge slowly as it does when you get a snag, but I have set the hook and felt the fish fight.  I managed to land it quite quickly so it would not suffer.  It was not very big but very fat for its length.  It must have been feeding very well.  About half an hour later hooked one again, but lost it due to not holding the rod tip up as I was trying to net it.   It was another male.  I guess they like them white tube jigs.  Lessons learned - hold the rod tip up and that you will get a better hook up if you cast up the stream vs. down the stream.  Tight lines.

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