Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Another weekend and another attempt. I've arrived at the fishing spot very early. It was still dark. I've thought I was gonna beat everybody else to the best spot but it was already taken. But I was still able to set up at a good venture point anyway. I was determined to use the spawn sacs for starters. With the success rate that I saw others hook up steellies previously I thought it was a good bet. But for about 3 hours of casting I did not get any hits. Furthermore I did not see anybody hook up anything all as well. Around 10 am everybody around me call it a day, but I've decided to switch from spawn sac to a plastic tube jig. To my amazement I got a hit at my third or fourth cast. I've hooked a nice size fish. Adrenaline was pumping. For the first time I have experienced the fish charging towards me. It was so weird. I thought I lost the fish for a second but luckily I've kept on reeling very fast and regained the control of the fish only about 5 feet away from me. I worked the fish with the rod for few seconds by swinging from side to side and raising the rod higher. I've netted the fish with no problem. It turned to be a nice buck. Beautiful healthy fish. I've measured it at 25 inches long, then snapped few pics and gently released the fish. Awesome day. Just one fish was worth all day of casting. At around 11:30 more people started showing up including some young punks which started floating their line past me blocking my casting path, but they quickly realized that I was not happy with it when I've started casting across their lines to show them that they were in my way. It is amazing that you try to be all considering and courteous to everybody but there always will some punks who think they own the damn river. So the lesson for that day was if you've covered a lot of water with one lure/bait with no success then switch to something else.  There always will be a fish willing to take something else if it's presented with it.  OK till next time.

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