Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Early Spring!!

The weather is amazing.  The rain did ruin quite a few days of fishing.  It looks like the fish are already spawning which will not leave me much longer to chase them.  If the Steelhead are spawning now it means that they will leave the river about a month earlier that normally.  This means that I have very little time left to get out there and fish.  I plan to fish till I drop.   The rain play tricks on the weekend anglers such as myself making the best fishing windows during the week.  I tried to salvage last week by getting out there on Friday.  The flow was very high (in 1100's).  Clarity was non-existent but I've tried anyway.  Tried both float fishing and fly fishing.  Nothing on the float but managed to hook one on a fly but lost it very quickly.  But managed to land a quite sizable white sucker which did manage to pull some drag set for a steelhead.  Overall it was a very nice learning experience.  I've had much better success earlier (end of FEB and beginning of MAR).  I am doing so much better then at the beginning of the season.  Now I manage to land at least one fish and hook a couple.  On one occasion I have hooked and lost 5 steellies, but all broke off.  I did some research on the fishing lines I was using.  With a suggestion from Mike Durkalec of MetroParks I have purchased a Canadian brand called Ande Premium Monofilament line 8lb test and my success rate went through the roof.  It is very durable and most of all scratch resistant.  I've learned that all of my other lines were breaking because of scratches and nicks done by bouncing off the bottom rocks.  I plan on venturing out this weekend with a buddy of mine.  We'll try to get him his first Steelhead.  I plan on getting one over 30 inches long.  We'll see.  Tight lines.

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