Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Went out on Friday by myself. Did not expect a lot of people on the river in the morning. To my surprise the river was already crawling with fly fishers but my fishing spot was deserted. I started casting a white marabou jig. After about 5 casts the float went down and I've set the hook. I was expecting a steelhead but to my surprise I've noticed a huge small mouth bass at the end of my line. He gave me a lot of attitude during the landing. Boy was it fun! I've started casting again. The action stopped for an hour and then I've hooked 2 steelies. Landed one (make sure you retie after every hook up as the fish will damage your line and you will have only yourself to blame for the lost fish). After that I did manage to hook up and land another feisty bass. The place was loaded with suckers and some other fish but I did not target them specifically. Noticed that a fellow angler started to hook up some nice steelies on a fly not too far from my spot. I've decided to switch to my fly rod but did not have much time left. It was amazing to see some huge steelhead males fight over the spawning spots. They totally ignored the anglers around them. Not a bad day. Till next time.

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